League of Legends Quiz

One of the most popular games in the world no matter what way you look at it — player base, earnings, developers, eSports funds, the whole lot! League of Legends is a sensation in one of the biggest entertainment industries in the world. With over 140 Champions, moves to learn and maps and playing strategies to master, there’s a lot to take in when it comes to mastering good old LoL. So what do you think, gamer? Reckon you have what it takes to emerge as a Champion in this League of Legends quiz? Time to find out!

There are a lot of voice actors who help bring the characters of League of Legends to life. However, not all of them are limited to one creation! Certain voice actors lend their chords to different Champions throughout the game, though no one tops Karen Strassman, who holds the record for most characters voiced: Fiora, Elise, Shyvana, Cassiopeia and Zyra.